13 June 2008

New workers in Milimewa

Milimewa Supermarket recently hired two new staffs to attract more customers. They were dressed up in striking red and yellow in order to be spotted from far. Only these particular two staffs are hardworking, they don't just attract by wearing striking colours, they even dance to welcome you ... really good staffs right? Under the hot sun, they don't simply complaint but still motivated to put on smileys to you!!....

neck stretching before start performing dance

Bow to greet you

Milimewa welcome you with big arms

.dance with the wind.


Mei-Wah said...

cuddle ya again~
milimewa got new dancers ar? hahaha... so striking colors lor... :)

the milimewa is not at gaya street right?

laydeylike said...

nope..this milimewa is in foh sang~~