27 June 2008

Four things to talk about

1. My current obsession is eating Soto during the wee hours. It is just for the time being I'm sure and that is why I'm eating supper almost EVERY night. When you felt cold and then you take something hot, it felt so soothing! It is becoming a habit now. Maybe I'll try to do a compilation of Soto in KK and counting down to the most delicious Soto I've ever tried.

2. Despite eating supper every night, I lost 2kgs!!

I'm freaking sad when I weight myself. Is it something wrong with the scaler? 2kgs mann...it's damn hard for me to gain them back!!! Do you guys have any suggestion? I tried vitamins and milk powder before but there wasn't any effect. *sigh*

3. Good news!!! Very Good one. I think I'm finally cured from the self sickness. Ok, this sickness can only be cured by myself which mean none can help me but only to give their support. Home is the best place to cure it. Hehehe! Because there's where my heart is!

4. Since I'm cured by now, I guess it's time to take up the challenge ahead. ;)
Taylor's last intake for this year is just around the corner, in like, a week time. Many of my friends are persuading me to go back, any how, don't think I wanna go back there yet. Wasn't sure is it the best choice.

but....I really REALLY wanna fly off....fly to somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!! for a new air, new environment, new people, everything new!!

.my little voice here.

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